
Food and Dairy


With more than 35 years of management experience in the sector, we can deliver the best solution for your food business.


We deliver creative, customer-focused solutions through an in-depth knowledge of the sector developed over many years.

Shield with person in it
About Us

We combine years of experience with an extensive network to deliver the best solutions for your food business.

Hands shaking

Nothing is too large or too small. If we can't help your business we'll know who can.

Business card
Contact Us

Got a problem that needs solving? Need assurance on strategy? Missed an opportunity? Let’s chat.

Lady watering field



Our value proposition extends beyond comprehensive industry experience.

We are acutely aware that businesses succeed on trust and relationships. Trust is earned, relationships take time and effort.

We create positive change for clients through trust and relationships developed in the sector.

Icon of shopfront with arrows

Supply Chain Consulting

Icon of gear with wires

Technology Adoption

Icon of graph showing risk

Risk Assessment

Icon of tap with water coming out

Waste stream mitigations

Icon of hands holding a star

Talent Development



The information age has overwhelmed us with data and analysis. What are we missing? Sometimes it just takes a fresh look.

Solutions might be with your suppliers, new technology, your talented staff. They might even lie outside your industry.

Let’s identify the problem together and nail an original solution.



It's not our business to pretend we know it all.

We continually utilize our trusted network to collaborate with like-minded advisors, ensuring an optimal solution for every problem.

If we can't help your business, we will know who can.

Professional consultant stamp
Photo of John Perrott, Director of Food and Dairy Solutions



With more than 35 years of experience in the food and dairy industry, John has developed insights that enable him to identify opportunities and drive them into solutions.

Through an extensive network and proven results, John works with the Food and Dairy Solutions team to execute and achieve implementation for clients.

"As independent and trusted advisors, we will stand by you and the outcomes we can generate together."

Contact Us


John Perrott


Melbourne, VIC


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